INST 200: Approaches to Globalization
This course aims to familiarize students with the field of International Studies by using it as a framework of analysis for globalization. We will explore this subject through assigned readings, written work, lecture, discussions, and group presentations. Our discussion of globalization will revolve around a few basic questions:
- What does globalization mean? When and how did this process begin?
- How can we define such a broad term, and why is its definition useful?
- How does the experience of globalization differ among individuals, groups, and nations?
- What are the benefits and costs of our globalized world? What are its implications for the future?
- Is globalization an automatic process? Can we guide it? How?
This course will enrich your understanding of the world by deepening your knowledge base and broadening your perspective. It will encourage you to think critically not only about the ideas and arguments of others, but also about your own views. It will cultivate your awareness of past and present world problems, and help you to appreciate the value of International Studies as an interdisciplinary approach to global subjects. In the process, this course will target critical analysis, creativity, group work, public speaking, discussion, debate, reading, writing, and research. This course is open to majors and non-majors.
INST 301: International Studies Research Methods
This course familiarizes students with relevant research methods and applications for International Studies. It introduces students to principle research methods and sources within the Liberal Arts as well as key concepts within the field of International Studies. the theme of commodities readings and other course content illustrate the value of an interdisciplinary lens. Class requirements include reading and other assignments, quizzes and exams, discussions, presentations, activities, and multiple types of research. This course aims to prepare students of International Studies to understand, appreciate, and conduct research in academic contexts as well as in a range of careers.

INST 492: Capstone Seminar
INST capstone seminar themes vary, but the following section, Travelers, represents a typical example. INST 492: Travelers investigates past and present factors that have led individuals and groups to cross boundaries. This is a discussion-based seminar, designed to raise questions and awareness – and not necessarily provide answers. A few general questions will form the basis of our inquiry:
- How have travelers’ motivations and experiences changed over time and place?
- What common ground exists among travelers of different eras, origins, and motivations?
- How do travelers perceive the people and cultures they encounter, and how does travel shape their perceptions?
- What are the results and consequences of these global encounters and interactions?
- What role has travel played in globalization, and how has globalization changed travel?
- How can we explain the persistent thirst for adventure in the modern world, and how can it be satisfied?
Over the course of the semester, we will address these and other questions through the testimony of merchants, diplomats, explorers, adventurers, tourists, migrants, and refugees. Coursework will include weekly readings, discussion, assignments, and a thesis project. This course requires a major and consistent time investment. In return, it will enrich your knowledge of global history, cultures, and politics, and target your proficiency in group work, critical thinking, public speaking, discussion, reading, writing, and research. Most importantly, it aims to build your awareness of and appreciation for the wider world, making you a conscientious, considerate, and confident global ambassador.
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