Faculty Friday: Allison White

Allison White, the assistant director for international studies and an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science, specializes in Russian politics and authoritarianism. She was also recently awarded “Best Teacher for 2019” by the Colorado State University Alumni Association.

Check out the Spring 2018 Newsletter!

The Spring 2018 Newsletter has arrived. Content includes: Highlights from our annual International Careers Panel Our Spring and Summer Graduating Seniors International Studies Fall Course Availability International Studies Core Course Descriptions Call for Applications for INST 487: International Studies Internship (for credit) for Fall 2018. You can read it here: SP18 Newsletter

International Career Panel Presents a World of Knowledge

On April, 12, 2017, CSU held its second annual International Careers Panel hosted by International Studies, the International Development Minor, the Career Center, and the departments of Political Science and Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. This event successfully connected students with professionals in the fields of diplomacy, language teaching, translation, international development, tourism, and more. Those […]

INST Alumnus in the Press for Hiring People with Disabilities

CSU International Studies Alum Justin Wells ’11 recently purchased Fort Collins espresso cafe Starry Night, where he and his sister partnered with Stepping Stone Support Center in order to provide work opportunities for adults with disabilities. The siblings’ humanitarian efforts gained the attention of the Coloradoan. Read the full story here: http://www.coloradoan.com/story/life/2016/09/10/csu-alumni-buy-coffee-shop-hire-people-disabilities/90185138/.